Tuesday 12 April 2011

Peanut Butter Dip

I am passionate about peanut butter, and if there is a way to use it creatively I'm all over it. This recipe is from my dear friend Susan at work. Typically I have this dip with a cut up apple or a banana.

This dip is really just as easy as mixing:

5.3 oz Greek yoghurt

2 tbsp natural peanut butter

1/2 tbsp honey

1/8 tsp cinnamon

You can use any kind of plain yoghurt you want, but Greek yoghurt will give the dip the thickest consistency. I use 1% Balkan style natural yoghurt by Astro. It's a happy medium between non fat plain yoghurt (which I find to be not thick enough), and the Greek yoghurt (which is too thick for me). You just use whatever yoghurt makes you happy!

Plain yoghurt is something that I always have around. I love making my own yoghurt parfaits with berries, almonds, honey, and of course the yoghurt. It's also a great alternative for mayo when making tuna or chicken salad sandwiches.
